Zur Person Simon Kissel

At a glance

My background in a considerable number of words.
"Be considerate of the waiting, be brief" was never my motto..

Simon Kissel Business Life

Business Life

I started some companies. I've also tanked some. The largest of these develops and distributes network technologies, and today employs around 50 people.

Simon Kissel personal Life

Personal Life

My hobbies and circle of friends are to a very large extent influenced by the "demoscene", an international community of computer artists. I also pursue a bit of network policy. Here you can read my private memoirs, although I'm not even dead yet.

Kontakt zu Simon Kissel


After reading this website you already know a lot about me. But there are supposed to be people who can never get enough. For them there is the possibility to contact me. By the way, this is hopeless on the phone, because I hate phones.

"I can't remember any great wisdom from my mouth. Whether it's my mouth or my brain who's to blame, I can't say, no, I can't figure." -- Simon Kissel